About Us
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White Tiger Resources Limited (WTR) is an Australian-based junior mineral exploration company focused on selective tenement procurement through innovative technical assessment, detailed investigation planning and careful exploration of mineral deposits in and around the world-renowned South Australian geological region known as the Gawler Craton.
We intend to:
Create value by improving confidence in the presence of mineralisation, directly or through strategic alliances
Board of Directors / Senior Management
![John Barbante](https://www.whitetigerresources.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/john-barbante1.jpg)
John Barbante
Chief Executive Officer
- PhD (Extractive Metallurgy), Grad Dip App Finance & Investment, MBM, GAICD, Grad Dip Psychology (1st Class Honours)
25 years’ experience in mining and business with successful tenure as CEO, securing two farm-ins with global mining companies, establishing a strong network and relationships with SA Government DEM, and overseeing successful negotiation of NTMA’s and drilling programmes, successfully completed three separate capital raisings to enable stage 1 exploration of tenements, and has successfully procured 5 separate tenements and two separate government funding grants for exploration. John is Chairman of the Board, Executive Director & Company Secretary.
![Michael Nesbitt](https://www.whitetigerresources.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/michael-nesbitt1-2.jpg)
Michael Nesbitt
Chief Operating Officer
- BEng (Civil), Master in Applied Science in Proj Mngt, MAICD
30 years’ experience in engineering construction in Australia and Asia, with major project knowledge from working on sites within operating copper mines in South Australia and New South Wales, experienced in general management in construction contracting and has detailed knowledge of operational and logistic requirements to work in remote areas, has worked in coal, iron ore and IOCG projects from pre-feasibility to commissioning and operational readiness. Michael is a Board Member & Executive Director.
![Valdis Evele](https://www.whitetigerresources.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/VEV-2.jpg)
Valdis Evele
Technical Consultant
- BSc (Hons, Geophysics), Grad Dip Bus Admin, GAICD
35 years experience commencing in exploration geophysics and extending to 18 years’ senior executive experience in manufacturing and transport. In-depth knowledge of SA mining, business and industry, focusing on operational management, business analysis, business development and project management with recent consultation in transport logistics for several mining operations. Valdis is Non-Executive Director.